+1 514-697-8878

Action Scuba
Divemaster Plus

ARE YOU PASSIONATE ABOUT DIVING? SHARE YOUR PASSION WITH NEW STUDENTS DURING THE PADI DIVEMASTER COURSE.  At Action Scuba, we take the name Divemaster pretty seriously and as a result our divemaster program is different than most. We focus… - Voir Plus

CA$ 2,175.00

Action Scuba

ÊTES-VOUS UN PASSIONNÉ DE PLONGÉE? PARTAGEZ VOTRE PASSION AVEC DE NOUVEAUX ÉLÈVES PENDANT LE COURS DE MAÎTRE DE PLONGÉE PADI (PADI DIVEMASTER ). Chez Action Scuba, nous prenons le titre de maître de plongée très au sérieux. Le résultat en est que notre… - Voir Plus

CA$ 550.00

Interested in covering more ground during your dive? Diver propulsion vehicles will allow you to access dive sites that may have been out of reach before, see more of a wreck or cave. Gain DPV diving experience and tips under the direct supervision of… - Voir Plus

CA$ 299.00

Action Scuba
EFR Instructor

CA$ 299.00

Enjoy being able to help in an emergency? This course will allow you to teach the necessary skills to deal with a problem and even save a life. You will be able to teach a course that is recommended for all those who are planning on becoming a rescue… - Voir Plus

CA$ 150.00

Action Scuba

CA$ 1,599.00

CA$ 799.00

CA$ 799.00

Action Scuba

CA$ 899.99