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Rescue Diver

Action Scuba

Rescue Diver

Cours No. RESC-AP 7/29/2024

| Places max. 16 | Places disponible 9

La plupart de nos élèves ont décrit notre cours de plongeur sauveteur comme étant celui qui avait été le plus demandant et duquel ils avaient tiré le plus de satisfaction après l’avoir complété. De plus, ils ont ajouté qu’ils adoreraient…

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  • 08 Sep 2024 02:10 am - 02:10 am Induction + Lecture 1
  • 08 Sep 2024 02:10 am - 02:10 am Knowledge Development 2
  • 08 Sep 2024 02:10 am - 02:10 am Knowledge Development 3
  • 08 Sep 2024 02:10 am - 02:10 am Knowledge Development 4
  • 08 Sep 2024 02:10 am - 02:10 am Pool Session 1 (Optional)
  • 08 Sep 2024 02:10 am - 02:10 am Open Water Day 1
  • 08 Sep 2024 02:10 am - 02:10 am Open Water Day 2
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Cours Sélectionner

Rescue Diver
CA$ 429.00

Want to be more confident in your dive skills and able to help your buddy or another diver if a problem occurs? If so, then the Rescue Diver course is for you.

Most of our students have described our Rescue Diver course as the most rewarding and challenging course they have completed, and say they would love to do it again.

At the end of the course you will be ready to prevent problems and manage dive emergencies.

The PADI Rescue Diver course consists of three main parts:

  • Knowledge Development includes home study, classroom or elearning.
  • Confined Water (pool) Dives. (Optional)
  • Open Water Dives: one weekend.

To read more, click here.

Rescue Diver Team
CA$ 629.00

Most of our students have described our Rescue Diver course as the most rewarding and challenging course they have completed, and say they would love to do it again.

At the end of the course you will be ready to prevent problems and manage dive emergencies.

PADI Rescue Diver course - serious fun!


The top ten reasons why you want to become a PADI Rescue Diver with Action Scuba:

10.  You’re looking for a new personal challenge.

9. You want to take your scuba diving skills to a whole new level.

8. You want to be the kind of dive buddy that others love to dive with.

7. You want to eventually achieve the highly coveted PADI Master Scuba Diver rank.

6.  Someday you’d like to become a PADI Divemaster or Instructor.

5.  You’d like to feel safer and more confident as a diver.

4. The Action Scuba Rescue Diver course is like no other and includes realistic emergency scenarios that allow you to practice your rescue team skills surrounded by helpful dive professionals

3. You don’t always want to follow the divemaster; you therefore need to be more self-sufficient.

2. Your kids are also scuba divers and you want to be able look out for them.

And the number 1 reason you want to become a Rescue Diver with Action Scuba:

1. It will be the most fun and rewarding weekend you’ll have all year!

        The PADI Rescue Diver course consists of three main parts:
      • Knowledge Development includes home study, classroom or elearning.
      • Confined Water (pool) Dives. (Optional)
      • Open Water Dives: one weekend.
      Rescue Diver Refresh
      CA$ 299.00

      Has it been a while since your PADI Rescue Diver course? 

      Do you feel that your rescue skills, including in-water rescue breaths, might be a little rusty? 

      Thinking of continuing on as a PADI Divemaster or Instructor and want to fine tune your rescue skills?

      These are just some of the good reasons to attend our Rescue Refresh clinic led by our PADI Course Director and owner, Gary Davis. 

      Join us for a fun afternoon in the pool refreshing your PADI Rescue Diver skills, including:

      - Tired diver exercise

      - Panicked diver exercise

      - Assisting a diver in distress from the "boat" deck

      - Distressed diver underwater

      - Surfacing an unresponsive diver

      - Unresponsive diver at the surface

      - Administering oxygen and first aid to an unresponsive diver

      And more!

      Package includes EFR (first aid / CPR) and Emergency Oxygen Provider courses - 1 night of theory for both courses
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